Petra Böttcher

Pinhole photography

born in 1957 in Cuxhaven/ Germany
Studied at the Braunschweig University of Art
Degree in graphic design in 1988
She discovered pinhole photography in 1991 and has since then achieved international recognition, winning prizes and awards.
Her work is to be found in public and private collections.
She has had numerous international exhibitions (Maison 44 2010/12).
Petra Böttcher has lived in Efringen-Kirchen/ Germany since 1988.

About her work
Views of a world transformed
'…With the aid of her pinhole camera made of cardboard … Petra Böttcher generates a world that is completely turned around and transformed, a world that lies, as it were, behind our everyday world: a second, artificial, artistic reality that seems strangely exponentiated, magical and enchanted and … which has come apart at the seams in an aesthetically very charming manner … it becomes a fairy-tale world in which things at times literally go haywire'.
(Dr Jürgen Glocker, Regio Magazin, October 2011)